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Pregnancy & Infants

Breastfeeding in the Community: Wherever Moms Are…

It’s 2015: Why are so many families still forced to fight for the right to breastfeed in public, and facing challenges finding a clean, private space to pump when out in their communities? No matter what they’re doing or where they are, breastfeeding mothers need to express milk every few hours. That’s why we need YOUR help building support and gaining co-sponsors for the Friendly Airports for Mothers (FAM) Act and letting other public places and spaces know that breastfeeding families need their support.

In celebration of National Breastfeeding Month (NBM) 2015, the USBC is hosting a social media advocacy campaign inviting supporters to join a variety of online actions and conversations to raise awareness and advocate for the policy and practice changes breastfeeding families need.

Each week of August the campaign is focusing on a specific sector/system of support, with Twitter chats and advocacy tools to inspire education and action to support breastfeeding families from the grassroots to the treetops. This week’s theme is Breastfeeding in the Community: Wherever Moms are!

There are several easy ways to take action:
  1. Tell Congress to support airport lactation accommodations with the Friendly Airports for Mothers (FAM) Act: With our easy action tool, you can e-mail your Representative and Senators with just a few clicks of the mouse!
  2. Share stories of experiences with airport lactation accommodations and with breastfeeding in public places and spaces: Submissions become part of a bank of real-life stories that we share with legislators to seek co-sponsorship, and quote in action campaigns, blogs, articles, and conversations with policymakers and the media.
  3. Tweet sports venues and airports: Public praise or criticism goes a long way toward encouraging these public spaces to maintain or improve breastfeeding support. Click on the “Tweet Now!” links in the chart below to send customized Twitter messages to sports venues and airports in your state or community. Note: If you don’t already have a Twitter account, the links will first walk you through easy account setup steps.
  4. Join the NBM15 Week 3 #WellnessWed Twitter chat on August 19 from 2-3 p.m. ET: Follow and contribute to the conversation on hashtag #WellnessWed, and use these other hashtags in your tweets: #FAMAct #NIP #Communities.
  5. Help spread the word: Promote this week’s actions to your network using our shareable graphics.
With such a variety of ways to raise our voices, we can demonstrate the Nation’s overwhelming support for action to support #Breastfeeding in #Communities!
Your voice can make all the difference…thank you for your continued participation and support.

-Megan, Amelia, Kinkini, and the USBC team

Posted by: Heather Knott, RN-IBCLC

Posted by Heather Knott, RN-IBCLC

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