Mountain Living
There’s Still Time to Get the Health Coverage You Deserve
Are you looking for health insurance for this year?
Great news! There’s still time to hit the January 15 deadline to enroll in an individual or family plan through the Connect for Health Colorado online marketplace.
Coverage for Coloradans, by Coloradans.
If you are not covered by an employer’s health insurance plan, Medicaid or Medicare, health insurance marketplace is here for you.
Income-based savings for you or your family.
In addition to providing information on pricing and benefits, helps you determine eligibility for premium reductions. You can also check for cost-sharing support based on your individual or family income. Even better, thanks to recent changes to the law, you can much more easily qualify for both.
Need help navigating the website and understanding the application process?
Call one of the Certified Assisters at 855-752-6749 at Connect for Health Colorado for help understanding the plans so you know which one to select. Please note that while assisters are not able to make individual recommendations on which plan is best for you, their expertise offers answers to all of your questions on the benefits of each plan. They can help you navigate through the registration process.
Affordable options for Pitkin, Garfield and Eagle Counties.
Two insurance companies offer healthcare coverage in Pitkin and Garfield counties: Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield and Rocky Mountain Health Plans. Eagle County residents have a third insurer, Friday Health Plans, serving their market.
The Valley Health Alliance puts great coverage within reach.
Our residents have a variety of insurance choices this year thanks in part to the Valley Health Alliance (VHA). This collaboration of local employers and healthcare providers worked with Rocky Mountain Health Plans to add competition to the local insurance market for individuals and small businesses. The VHA and its member organizations, including Aspen Valley Hospital, are working to improve healthcare outcomes and lower costs from Aspen to Parachute.
Plans purchased between now and the January 15, 2023, deadline will go into effect on February 1, 2023.
Contact Connect for Health Colorado on their website or call 855-752-6749 to get started today.