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Aspen Valley Hospital
0401 Castle Creek Road
Aspen, CO 81611

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Health Fair serves over 939 community members!

The annual Aspen Valley Hospital (AVH) Health Fair spanned three days in early June, providing access to both the upper and midvalley communities. Thursday, June 7, and Sunday, June 10, served the Aspen area at Aspen Valley Hospital, while Saturday, June 9, brought together the midvalley community at the El Jebel Community Center.

A highlight of the Health Fair, blood draws were offered at greatly discounted prices, and 939 community members took advantage of this opportunity to care for their health. Throughout the three-day affair, nearly 100 volunteers pitched in by drawing blood and helping with the flow of the event from start to finish. Because of their hard work, we were able to open the doors early and keep appointments running on time or ahead of schedule each day! Thank you, volunteers! Since those getting their blood drawn had to fast 12 hours prior to their blood draw, it was extremely impactful to have such a productive process.

On Sunday, June 10, our biggest day of the fair, nine free health screenings and 11 information stations were set up throughout the hospital. AVH physicians, skilled staff members, community physicians and community groups screened eager participants in a variety of different areas. In addition, local organizations connected with community members on a number of health and wellness topics. Many happy faces were seen throughout the hospital on Sunday.

With another successful Health Fair in the books, AVH is grateful to the community for making the fair a part of your lives. We certainly appreciate the opportunity to care for you!

SAVE THE DATES: If you weren’t able to join us this June, please make plans to join us at the Midvalley Health Fair on Saturday, October 13, in El Jebel or at the Senior Health Fair on Friday, November 2, at Aspen Valley Hospital (must be age 60+).
