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Infant Care

Dads Make it Work!

The month of June, we celebrate DADs everywhere! But, When it comes to myths about parenting, let’s face it, dads take a lot of sh*t.
Hey Dad, have people said ridiculous things to you, when you are with your children? You take your child to the playground or out with you to run errands and someone says you’re “babysitting,” like being a dad isn’t a full-time job. What?!? Parents are NOT babysitters! Why on earth would anyone say such an absurd thing? Lack of understanding and awareness, I suppose? It’s time to flip the script and tell the world comments that imply that dads aren’t important caretakers, aren’t cool. Be part of the solution and stand up for what is right for you as a family and a parent!

It’s long past time to bust wide open the myth that only women care for children. Follow the (MIWA) Blog here.

So join us in celebrating all things dad for the entire month of June, starting with a must watch video “Crazy Sh*t people say to dads” that transforms some WTF ideas about dads into FTW thinking about families.

Join the Make it Work action plan and campaign outlined below:

The Make It Work Action (MIWA) is the nonpartisan advocacy arm of Make It Work. MIWA engages in activities, including voter education, candidate “birddogging” and impacting public policy. MIWA is championing new policy solutions to help families make it work — and working to ensure that public officials and candidates are doing the same. Make It Work is a three-year education campaign uniting a community of people who believe that hardworking Americans shouldn’t have to choose between being there for family and earning a living.

Working families, and especially women, are increasingly experiencing deep economic instability, between the lingering pay gap, the increasing costs of child and elder care, the lack of paid family leave and low wages. America is ready for common sense workplace policies and ambitious solutions that will help people across the country “make it work.”  So we’re changing the conversation about work and family in this country because it’s 2016, folks — and people who work hard deserve more than a decent living. They deserve a decent life.

To take all this from pipedream to policy, MIWA is working hard to hold public officials and candidates accountable to everyday people. That includes organizing in the states – partnering with strong local organizations and in places where the 2016 presidential contest unfolds. Address big concerns such as achieving Equal Pay, addressing the issues of Caregiving, and creating balance of Work and Family.

Make it Work pledge:

I believe, in America, we should all be able to make it work.

We should all get paid enough to have a bright future. That means employers should pay women and men the same for equal work, and I should be able to earn enough to put food on the table for my family and still be home in time to eat it with them.

When I’m sick, I should be able to stay home without worrying about losing my paycheck, or worse, my job. When I have a new baby or someone I love is sick, I should be able to take time off to care for them.

We should be able to afford quality care for kids and other family members so we know they’re safe and happy when we’re not there.

So I’m joining the Make It Work Community. It’s up to us to make this a reality. Starting today, I’ll only vote for candidates and support elected officials who publicly endorse solutions that help all of us “make it work:”

  • Equal pay for equal work
  • A living wage
  • Paid time off when I’m sick or need to care for a family member
  • Affordable child care and elder care for families who need it

“Hardworking people like me deserve more than a decent living — we deserve a decent life.”

Heather Knott, RN-IBCLC
Aspen Birth Center
