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What is a Baby-friendly Hospital?

So you ask. “What is Baby Friendly? Were the hospitals not baby friendly before?” and…why is this best for our family?

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It’s a difficult job learning all the “buzzwords” and being a new consumer during one of the most important periods of your life.  Navigating the bewildering consumer’s market, while bringing a new little person into the world, amidst becoming a new parent, can be challenging. Consumer Reports brags to have the best guide to the “best baby products”and 20,539 products come up on Amazon when the keywords “Organic Baby Products” are searched.  We anticipate that you want to give your children the best life possible, one that is more pure than some children may have had in the past. The marketing teams from baby product companies around the world, are counting on this, as well. This presumed knowledge may perhaps tempt companies to prey on new parent’s emotions and they realize they are marketing to an audience who likely is vulnerable and feeling ambivalent about their many upcoming choices.

How about considering giving your baby the very best, all organic healthy start by following a few simple guidelines?  Aspen Birth Center can guide you on this journey, as we too, strive for providing you with the “best baby products”. Our highly trained staff are committed to provide evidenced based, excellent standards of care for your family. A Baby Friendly Hospital is one who follows Ten Steps to achieve this healthy start for your baby, and it doesn’t even require an internet shopping trip to Amazon or Babies “R” Us.  Some steps include patient education, bringing babies immediately skin to skin with mothers, keeping moms and babies together and establishing exclusive breastfeeding, to name a few. In the end, the choice is yours and we aim to provide you access to one of the most organic and natural products out there – Breastmilk.  Human milk for human babies.

Posted by Heather Knott, RN-IBCLC

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