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Aspen Valley Hospital
0401 Castle Creek Road
Aspen, CO 81611

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Aspen Valley Hospital
0401 Castle Creek Road
Aspen, CO 81611

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COVID-Clean Pledge

You're in Good (Clean) Hands

Aspen Valley Hospital and the locations that make up our Network of Care stand ready to provide medical care for our community in a safe environment.

As we take steps to reopen our community, we have reopened all hospital services and facilities, always with the safety of our patients, their families and our staff in mind.

Our commitment to infection prevention has never been greater, and we are proud to make our COVID-Clean Pledge to you and to our community.

You can have peace of mind that we are taking every precaution to see patients and treat patients in a safe and clean environment. This is paramount because putting off treatment, especially for chronic conditions, can cause greater problems down the road and is a threat to our patients’ and our community’s health.

Today, our hospital is open, our clinics are open, and we are here for you if you need us. We also  provide our safe and special brand of extraordinary care in a very different way—through telemedicine—for everything from patient consultations in our practices to nutritional counseling.

The threat of COVID brought all of us together to solve problems quickly, and it has strengthened our collective resolve as we look to the future. The community did its part to stop the spread early and keep our patient numbers to a manageable level. For that, we are eternally grateful, and it’s what makes this next phase of community reopening possible.


Our COVID-Clean Pledge

We are proud that our early adoption of preventative and protective measures has allowed Aspen Valley Hospital to be a clean and safe environment for hospital workers, patients and visitors. Keeping ourselves healthy so that we can take care of our community—our friends and neighbors—is why we’re here.

  • Universal masking of staff, patients and visitors.
  • All staff and visitors are screened at the East Entrance for COVID-19 symptoms, including having their temperature checked prior to entering the hospital.
  • Seating in the waiting area has been reconfigured to allow for physical distancing.
  • Visitors are limited to one per patient in the hospital to decrease traffic.
  • The hospital’s Castle Creek Café is closed to the public, and seating has been reconfigured to allow physical distancing in the dining area for essential healthcare workers.
  • Surgical and obstetrical patients prior to induction are tested for COVID-19 prior to arrival and screened upon arrival.
  • Donning and doffing of PPE before and after treating COVID-19-suspected or COVID-19-positive patients follows a strict protocol and is done in pairs to assure that no step is missed.
  • Designating a specific zone for COVID-19 patients, separating COVID and non-COVID patients as appropriate.
  • The Hospital’s Environmental Services department is highly trained in cleaning protocols for infection prevention.
  • All of our disinfectants are approved for use against human coronaviruses.
  • Housekeeping provide additional cleaning of high-touch surfaces.
  • Equipment is thoroughly disinfected after each patient use.
  • Staff are not permitted to work if they have any COVID-19 symptoms, and they must follow strict guidelines set forth by our employee health department in order to return to work.
  • AVH has multiple negative pressure rooms that help to contain airborne pathogens. The air in these negative pressure rooms is recycled with fresh air every two-and-a-half minutes, resulting in the elimination of 99% of all viral and bacterial particulates approximately every 12 minutes.
  • AVH’s Respiratory Evaluation & Testing Center allows patients with COVID-19 symptoms to be evaluated and tested without entering main areas of the hospital. The majority of these patients are able to recover at home. Those needing hospitalization are evaluated in negative pressure rooms with staff in appropriate PPE.
  • AVH took a highly proactive approach to securing and protecting our supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) that has allowed us to treat all COVID-19 patients with protective measures that exceed CDC recommendations.