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Family Wellness

Take Charge of Your Health!

AVH health fairs offer important health screenings at big savings!

As part of its vision to help make our community the healthiest in the nation, Aspen Valley Hospital (AVH) is proud to announce its schedule of 2018 public health fairs with free and low-cost medical screenings.

“At AVH, our mission is to put information in the hands of individuals so they are empowered to take charge of their health,” said Jennifer Slaughter, AVH Director of Community Relations. “By giving people free and low-cost access to a variety of screenings and educational materials, we can help members of our community maintain and improve their health. In the long term, that benefits not only the participants but also the greater community.”

The June health fair, running June 7, 9 and 10, offers important healthcare screenings and is open to area residents age 18 and older. A popular feature of the fair is the blood draws, offered at significantly reduced prices:

-The “health fair profile” measures 32 metabolic functions, including complete blood count, cholesterol levels, kidney function, checks for infection, anemia and more — $65
– PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test for men age 50 and older helps determine prostate cancer risk — $35
-Vitamin D deficiency screening measures both D2 and D3 levels — $45
– C-reactive protein tests for vascular inflammation, a cardiac risk — $35
– Take-home colorectal cancer screening kit — $25

NOTE: Before participating in one of these events, please check your insurance benefits to understand if your plan covers health fair screenings. AVH will not submit to your insurance, this is the individual’s responsibility.

In addition, the event on Sunday, June 10, at AVH will be much larger, including free blood pressure screenings; eye and vision exams; height, weight and body mass index checks; skin and oral cancer examinations; and orthopedic screenings. Dedicated healthcare providers, physician assistants and nurses will be on hand to perform these screenings and offer information and education about additional health services at AVH and in the community. Topics covered in the past, and anticipated for June include:

– After-Hours Medical Care clinic in Basalt l Breast cancer prevention and early detection
-Diabetes education
– Home care l Midvalley Surgery Center & Imaging Center
– Nutrition services
– Otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat) l Speech and language therapy
– Traumatic injury prevention

Please check the AVH website for a complete list of participating organizations closer to the event at

In the past, AVH health fairs have attracted a total of over 1,400 participants, and organizers expect to exceed that number this year.

“Health fairs are inclusive for all members of our community, and we try to make the fair as convenient and cost-effective as possible,” Slaughter said. “They really become feel-good events. You see your neighbors, your friends. It’s a great opportunity to do something good for yourself and feel part of a caring community.”

Want to learn more to help you on your Healthy Journey? Let us know your interests below, and received tailored advice from us!
