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To Your Good Health | A Message from CEO Dave Ressler


To Your Good Health | A Message from CEO Dave Ressler

by Aspen Valley Hospital

August 1, 2023

This is World Breastfeeding Week and the beginning of National Breastfeeding Month, and Aspen Valley Hospital has been recognized for achieving the Celebrate 6 Award of Breastfeeding Excellence from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. We are also among 14 healthcare facilities in Colorado with the “Baby-Friendly®” hospital designation from Baby-Friendly USA. This means that we, our staff and our physicians, recognize the importance of starting new lives with the health benefits of breastfeeding, and we support improved maternal and baby health outcomes. We are very appreciative of Heather Knott, RN-IBCLC, and our committed lactation counselors for achieving our award, and for supporting our moms in giving the best possible start in life for our littlest patients. 

Every month, our enewsletters spotlight ways in which Aspen Valley Hospital supports and encourages good health—not just at the beginning, but throughout all seasons of our lives. This issue is no different. In fact, the Hospital has introduced an exciting and new magazine, called Healthy Journey. With a fresh look and renewed content focused on your health and the health of our community, I think you will enjoy and learn from what we have included within its pages. And because our community owns Aspen Valley Hospital and provides generous support, we provide a synopsis of where our funding comes from, and how we spend it on the people, supplies and technologies required to provide the level of services you deserve. You can either link directly to this inaugural issue, or we have copies distributed throughout our campuses and clinics. 

Of course, good health also requires the most capable and advanced medical care. In this issue, we explain the emerging importance of robotics in ensuring the best outcomes for our surgical patients. We’ll introduce you to the da Vinci Xi surgical robot, an exciting new technology that enables Dr. Chris Roseberry, FACS and our surgeons with enhanced surgical precision and accuracy that reduces pain and recovery time for patients. We will also introduce you to Dr. Melissa Somers, our newest specialist on the AVH team, focusing on ailments and surgical needs of the ear, nose and throat (ENT). Dr. Somers is an experienced surgeon who, like many of us, has selected our community as a place to work and raise her family because of our unique amenities and unrivaled outdoor sports and recreational prowess. 

Enjoy the remaining summer and know we will continue to provide you with information and ideas for how you can live your best life, and how AVH can support you on your journey. Our only purpose is to promote the health and wellbeing of our community, including all our various members from full-time, to part-time to some-time residents and visitors. In turn, if you have ideas or questions for us, please reach out and let us know. Keeping you informed and listening to you matters to us.

